Hello my name is Felicia. I am
10 years
old. I live in Canada. I have one older brother and one younger sister. I like
to study and go to school. I also like to draw, play the piano, play many
sports, and much more. I have joined in many Cross-Country races and enjoy
running. I am a very nice person and I have many friends. My best friends
are Isabelle, Emma, Brit, Natasha, Tanis, John, Cameron, and
I really like rainy days. My
favourite season is Autumn. My favourite colour is
orange. I really like
kangaroos and black bears. My favourite television shows are Scooby-Doo and
Codename Kids Next Door. My favourite movie is The Other Side of Heaven. My favourite holidays are Easter and my
BIRTHDAY!!!! My favourite food is pasta with melted cheese on it. I HATE
vegetables and water. My favourite game is Pay Day. I extremely enjoy
going to the beach!!!!