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Enjoy my funny poems.

On this page I put all kinds of funny and weird poems that I have come up with on my own. All poems on this page were written by Felicia K. (ME!)

If you wish to use some of these on your site, please ask me first.

The Pig

There was a big pig, 

Who wore a jiggley wig.

He was red and slept in a bed,

With a huge head.

His name was Fred.


The Odd Fish

There was an odd fish,

That slept in a dish.

He could wish & wish when he turned yellowish.

His name was Crish.


The Peculiar Bat

Once there was a bat,

Who lived in a yellow hat.

He looked like a rat,

But he ran when he saw that big black cat.


The Strange Dog

Once There was a dog,

Who had red polka dots.

He had a weird tail,

In the shape of a snail.

He was pale and was as big as a whale.

He lived under his bed and always turned red.



The Snake that Could Bake

There was a weird snake,

That knew how to bake.

He baked a big cake,  

 And cooked a rake.      

 He drank half the lake, 

His name was Jake.